A wee while ago, I wrote a post about signing up with the company ACX to find a vocal artist/producer to produce and narrate The Nemo & Co. series.
See the original post here :
It's quite an interesting process all told. You submit a profile for your book or books and producers upload their profiles including show reels for authors to listen to. You can either leave your titles open for auditions or make an offer to a producer that you feel is right for your book. You can either pay towards the production costs or agree a profit share with your producer.
If you're interested in submitting one of your books to ACX, click here:
So, how are we getting on...?
Well both "The Vanishing Office" and "The Ghost Society" are now in production!

The producer has a script for both books and is working on them as we speak! I won't share their name with you just yet, but to say that I'm excited is an understatement and I think that they're going to do a great job!
So, did the process finding the right producer run smoothly? Well, like most things there were a few false starts. I sent a couple of offers to people without sounding them out first which wasn't massively wise, because I hadn't introduced myself. Note to Clarkson, good idea to say hello first!
But after I'd re-grasped the fundamental rules of politeness and had another try, I then made a bit of a blunder by thinking the messaging part of ACX wasn't working and accidentally bombarding a person with rather more messages than I meant to...Oh dear!
I soon found out that the messaging part was working just fine and I hadn't discovered the section for sent messages...Oh dear oh dear oh dear!
Thankfully, though I would've been extremely glad if the ground could've swallowed me up, I was taught in Drama at school that if you're going to fail, fail big!
After succeeding in tripping myself up a couple of times and noodling with the profile blurb, I started to get auditions and having learned a bit from my previous blunders, I had a few really good auditions and then found a producer who did a brilliant job and who also really seemed excited about doing both books.
So here we are...Hopefully, I will have some more updates for you soon, including the new covers. Exciting to think that we may have some audiobooks out soon. Makes me want to do a little dance.
I'll keep you posted! Tatty b for now.