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Adventures in Indie Book World

The Rusted Hook

Cover Versions.

I'm reviewing the situation...

Contrary to the suggestion in the title, I'm not channelling the spirit of Fagin. That could get me in to a spot of hot water! No running...

The Hare and The Tortoise.

I like to think that I have a reasonable amount of patience. I've worked in shops and schools for most of my adult life and so you have...

Ready to launch....

Tweety Pies

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post wondering how authors from the past might've got on with social media, If you want a read of that, you...

Writing with blancmange brain

So my dears, today I've woken up with a blancmange brain and elastic limbs. I know, I know, get the violins out, poor me! Just so's you...

Ravens & Tweets

A foot in both camps

Some writers are fortunate enough to be able to survive on the fruits of their labours, Good luck to 'em, I say but as yet, I am not one...

The Florence Foster Jenkins of indie book land?

I've had a bit of a weird week. Reviews are a funny thing. They can build you up and knock you down. It doesn't do to be too thinly...

Adventures in Indie Book World.

My name is J.E. My friends call me Jayne or Jaynee. By day, I work in a shop. When I'm off and by night, I write. I've written three...


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